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Ouvrage: ID no. (ISBN etc.):  978-0-19-456993-4 Clé de citation BibTeX:  CLARK2011
CLARK, R., & BAKER, D. (2011). Finance 1: Student's book. Oxford: Oxford.
Ajoutée par: Esther FAUCHEUR 2012-03-30 11:28:31
Catégories: Greta Indre et Loire
Descripteurs: Anglais professionnel
Creators: BAKER, CLARK
Editeur: Oxford (Oxford)

Number of views:  456
Popularity index:  5.85%

Oxford English for Careers: Finance 1 Student Book
A course for pre-work students who are studying for a career in the finance industry.

Richard Clark and David Baker

An Intermediate course that provides the language, skills, and practice to help students pass the ICFE exam, and follow a career in the finance sector.

Finance 1 is ideal for pre-work students, studying at intermediate level, who will need to use English to communicate effectively in the financial workplace.

Finance 1 develops the vocabulary, language, and skills that students need for use in a range of financial careers such as accounting, economics, auditing, tax, banking, insurance, trading, and statistics.
Ajoutée par: Esther FAUCHEUR

Informations supplémentaires en ligne :

Online interactive exercises to revise and recycle language :

Finance 1
Language spot
Practise your grammar with new exercises for each unit of the Student's Book.
Read – click – check the correct option to complete the sentences.
Practise your vocabulary with new exercises for each unit of the Student's Book.
Read – match – check the correct option to complete the sentences.
Practise your listening with new audio exercises for each unit of the Student's Book.
Listen – click – check the correct option for each sentence.
Ajoutée par: Esther FAUCHEUR

30 tl CLA, Centre de ressources Tours
Ajoutée par: Esther FAUCHEUR

Ajoutée par: Esther FAUCHEUR

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