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Ouvrage: ID no. (ISBN etc.):  978-0-19-452959-4 Clé de citation BibTeX:  TREW2007
TREW, G. (2007). Pack tactics for toeic listening and reading test. Oxford: Oxford.
Ajoutée par: Esther FAUCHEUR 2011-11-04 10:25:52
Catégories: Greta Indre et Loire
Descripteurs: Toeic
Creators: TREW
Editeur: Oxford (Oxford)

Number of views:  337
Popularity index:  4.32%

- 28 units of Listening and Reading material authorized by ETS.
A range of test tips, tactics and language building activities reinforced with immediate practice to help you answer test questions more effectively.
A mini-test in each unit to review and reinforce test tactics and vocabulary and help you develop time management skills.
- Listening activities faturing a range of speakers to familiarize you with the accentsyou will hear in the TOEIC Test
- A comprehension word list with vocabulary quizzes organized by unit to assist lesson preparation and for easy review
- Two complete practice tests with tapescripts
- Audio scripts can be downloaded from www.oup.com/elt/exams.

The pack includes :
- Student's book
- Tapecripts and answer Key
- Practice test 1
- Practice test 2
- Class audio CDs
- Practice tests audio CDs
Ajoutée par: Esther FAUCHEUR

30.5 tl GRA, Centre de ressources Tours
Ajoutée par: Esther FAUCHEUR

Ajoutée par: Esther FAUCHEUR

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